
Age 23, Female


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How many original characters I have? (OCs)

Posted by Animeerkat - July 11th, 2024

So, I did the countdown of all the original characters I've created since probably middle school/high school out of curiosity. I graduated from the K-12 system in 2019 and I'm completely thrown off by how many I have. I find it amazing, but a little sad. Sad in the aspect that I haven't gotten the chance to continue developing my OCs...not all of them though, but since I have so many its hard to keep up with each one. Time has gone by way so fast and I sometimes feel like I don't have enough free time to develop each and every single one.

The total amount overall is insane and I congratulate my imagination and creativity throughout the years, as I remember writing stories and creating short comics when I was younger. This is a fun fact, but I remember creating comics centered around the Rayman characters/franchise. I was a Rayman fan and enjoyed the games in my teen years. I never really published them and I unfortunately lost those most likely :(

Those aren't my characters obviously, but creating those fan comics were just for fun and it motivated me to make my own comics the older I got.

Anyway, I have over a total amount of 295 OCs I have conceived/created since the early-mid 2010s!! Isn't it amazing?

I will hit 300 soon!!!

Edit (6:05pm 7/11/24): Since, I'm proud of the amount of OCs I have. I may do a big special art piece with all my OCs or at least my most favorite ones. I don't know if I can fit them all into one picture. I would love to title it "My OCs grand anniversary" but I don't even remember the conceived birthday dates for all my characters :'D




That’s around the same number I’ve made.

Oooh! That's awesome!

2 9 5 O C S ? !

It's crazy to think about! I feel like I should slow down a bit on my imagination with conceiving more ideas for characters, so I can try to continue developing and finishing the ones I've already thought of.

I actually made like 300 and a few more if you count the redesigns, but I threw away all of my art one day after some serious burn out. I thought I was going to quit art for good but I started to realize how miserable I was without art so I started all over again.
Unfortunately I lost some childhood characters, but some how I remembered most them.
Thanks to that event I am just shy of 300.